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What the Program Offers

We provide:

  • Local support and coordination for international adoption.
  • Comprehensive information about all aspects of adoption.
  • Information and guidance in the initial decision-making phase to help you decide what type of adoption is best for you.
  • A mandatory home study and adoption readiness training.
  • Assistance with obtaining and assessing all available and relevant medical, developmental, social and historical information related to placement decisions.
  • Post-placement service.
  • Complete documentation for legalization as required by the court.
  • Provide non-identifying birth search information to individuals adopted through Catholic Charities Family and Community Services. Information is also given as to the process of obtaining identifying information in New York State.

Additionally, we:

  • Act as a liaison for adoptive parents with international placing agencies, and assist them in meeting the requirements for U.S. immigration. Family and Community Services has developed positive relationships with international adoption agencies and is well versed in the required paperwork necessary to adopt internationally.
  • Advocate for adoptive parents with agencies that have custody of an older/special needs child.
  • Consult with attorneys for adoptive parents in private adoption cases.

Information regarding program demographics for the previous three years is available upon request.

Informational Meetings

The Domestic Infant Waitlist is currently closed to new families. However, please contact us at (585) 546-7220 x4846 for more information.

Informational meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at 1099 Jay St., Rochester, NY.

2024 sessions:

  • Monday, December 9th @ 6pm

2025 sessions:

  • Monday, January 13th @ 6pm
  • Monday, February 10th @ 6pm
  • Monday, March 10th @ 6pm
  • Monday, April 14th @ 6pm
  • Monday, May 12th @ 6pm
  • Monday, June 9th @ 6pm
  • Monday, July 14th @ 6pm
  • Monday, August 11th @ 6pm
  • Monday, September 8th @ 6pm
  • Monday, October 13th @ 6pm
  • Monday, November 10th @ 6pm
  • Monday, December 8th @ 6pm

Please contact Kathryn Young to register at (585) 546-7220 x4846 or

Eligibility criteria

  • Adoptive parents must be at least 18 years old (NYS requirement).
  • Singles, couples and families with children are all eligible to apply for adoption. Married couples must adopt jointly.
  • Adoptive parents must be in such physical condition that it is reasonable to expect that they will live to the child’s majority and to have the energy and other abilities needed to fulfill their parental responsibilities.
  • Applicants are required to complete both a State and FBI Criminal Background (fingerprint) as are all members of the household who are 18 years old or older.
  • Applicants are required to complete Child Protective Clearances for all states in which they have resided in since their 18th birthdays, as are all members of the household who are 18 years old or older.
  • Medical exams are required for all family members including a TB screening. Family members must be clear of all communicable diseases.
  • Applicants looking to adopt internationally may need to meet additional/different eligibility requirements as such factors as age of applicant, marital status, etc... that are country specific and may vary country by country. Specific criteria for a particular country can be obtained through your international adoption agency.

Intake Process

Families are invited to attend a monthly information meeting. During this meeting, families learn the various processes depending on the type of adoption they are pursuing. Following the information meeting, if a family continues to be interested in adoption through Family and Community Services, they are asked to complete an application, which is the first step of the process.

Program Cost

  • There is a non-refundable application fee.
  • Fees for home study and CCFCS placements are based on a sliding fee scale or a flat rate, depending on the type of adoption.
  • CCFCS provides only the home study and post-placement phases of an international adoption process. Additional fees will be charged by the international adoption agency for the placement and other services provided by them. Information on these fees is available from the chosen international agency.
  • All CCFCS Adoption fees are applied to the direct provision of adoption related services. They are not used to provide additional programming (cultural events, scholarships, etc...) of any type.
  • An up-to-date fee schedule for all Catholic Charities Family and Community Services provided Adoption Services is available upon request.