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Employment and Independence

Helping seniors remain independent, and giving adults of all ages the the tools they need for a productive career

We provide advocacy, in-home support and transportation services to help older adults maintain independence and remain at home safely.

Earning income from employment is an important goal for so many of the people who come to us seeking to provide for their families and to improve their quality of life. Our team serves some of Rochester’s most vulnerable populations such as refugees who have joined our community, youth without a high school diploma seeking a strong beginning to a career, and those addressing mental health and substance use challenges who are ready to begin anew.

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Our Employment and Independence Services Include:


Care Management for Seniors (NHTD)

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Care Management for Seniors (NHTD)

seniorscare managementemploymentcoordinated care

The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver is one of the options available to New Yorkers with disabilities and seniors so they may receive services in the most appropriate, least restrictive setting.

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Employment Services for People with Chronic Illness

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Employment Services for People with Chronic Illness

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Employment Services for those with chronic illnesses and behavioral health issues. Also called Employment Waiver Services, these services meet the specific requirements of New York State's Behavioral Health Home and Community-Based Services (BH HCBS) programs.

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Employment Services for People with HIV/AIDS

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Employment Services for People with HIV/AIDS

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Helping folks with HIV/AIDS find gainful and sustainable employment in the community. Also referred to as Step Up To Employment.

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Employment Services for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

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Employment Services for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities


Providing folks living with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to develop skills necessary for success in integrated, competitive employment.

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Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program - EISEP

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Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program - EISEP

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Helping seniors maintain independence

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HCBS and CORE (recovery services in the home or community)

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Mental Health and Recovery Services for the Home & Community

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Providing community recovery resources, employment support, and education for individuals recovering from serious mental illness or addictions.

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Language Services

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Language Services

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Providing translation and interpretation services where needed.

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Refugee Employment Services

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Refugee Employment Services

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For many refugees coming to the U.S., the prospect of work and the ability to earn a living is an opportunity that has long been denied them. Our refugee clients are eager to take advantage of this new chance to provide for their family's support through their own labor.

Refugees have an excellent reputation among local employers as reliable, capable and ambitious workers. Our Refugee Employment Program provides services that foster independence and self-sufficiency by facilitating refugees' entry into the workforce.

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Support to Aging Residents - STAR

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Support to Aging Residents - STAR

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Providing transportation and other supports to older adults to help people to remain independent in their homes.

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Transportation Services for People with HIV/AIDS

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Transportation Services for People with HIV/AIDS

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Medical Transportation services for individuals with HIV/AIDS for travel to medical appointments, support groups, pharmacy visits, Department of Health and Human Services and other related medical care.

available to individuals living with HIV/AIDS in Monroe, Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne and Yates counties.

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Traumatic Brain Injury

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Traumatic Brain Injuries

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Supporting individuals living with a Traumatic Brain Injury to achieve meaningful, self- identified goals, using both a collaborative team approach and effective coordination of services.

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Trustee Services

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Trustee Services

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Serving as the trustee for people who do not have the natural support or family to serve in that capacity. We provide our clients with the support they need for managing their supplemental needs and basic irrevocable trusts.

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Workforce Development

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Workforce Development


Earning income from employment is an important goal for so many of the individuals that come to us seeking to provide for their families and improve their quality of life. Our team provides career development, financial assistance, and job placement for adults and youth with limited employment options, those without a high school diploma, and those facing mental health and substance abuse challenges.

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Providing Job Training and Employment Opportunities for At-Risk Youth

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