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Chronic Illness Employment Services

We believe that all people, regardless of disability, should have the opportunity to work, and are able to offer "Employment Waiver Services" to qualified individuals.

What the Program Offers

In coordination with Health Homes of Upstate New York and Managed Care Organizations, Family and Community Services provides the following Employment Waiver Services to qualified individuals:

  • Education Services: assists individuals in pursuing further education such as high school equivalency, higher education or training for a career field.
  • Pre-Vocational Employment Services: assists in developing soft skills necessary to be successful in competitive employment.
  • Intensive Supportive Employment: supports individuals who are currently in a competitive employment position or looking to transition into new work. Our staff work directly with the individual and employer to ensure the highest level of success on the job.
  • On-going Supportive Employment: assists individuals with keeping on track at their current place of employment for as long as needed.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact the Employment Services Supervisor at (585) 339-9800 x418.