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Care Management for Seniors (NHTD)

Care managers work with folks with physical disabilities and seniors to ensure they are able to live as independently as possible while receiving the services they need.

About the NHTD Waiver

The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver is one of the options available to New Yorkers with disabilities and to seniors so they may receive services in the most appropriate, least restrictive setting.

Services Provided

Our service coordinators will help to:

  • Connect individuals to needed services and supports in the community including, but not limited to Medicaid benefits, medical, housing, financial, vocational and educational
  • Focus on a person’s strengths, abilities and supports needed to live independently in the community
  • Work collaboratively with all supports to ensure effective, person-driven services of the highest quality
  • Secure resources to assist with environmental modifications and assistive device technologies such as personal emergency response systems
  • Review the service plan, assess progress toward the stated goals and guide the individual and his/her loved ones on a path to the individual's independence with dignity

For more information regarding Service Coordination services or to refer someone, please contact us at (585) 339-9800 x395.

Eligibility Criteria

Individual must be:

  • Age 18 to 64 with a physical disability OR age 65 and older, upon application
  • Recipient of Medicaid
  • Assessed to need a nursing home level of care.