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Care Management for Children

Our Children's Health Homes services coordinate and manage care for children with chronic illnesses including mental illness, substance abuse, asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity, etc...


Children's Health Home programs are community-based care, person-centered and family-driven to ensure that children with complex or multiple unmet needs are advocated and cared for with a comprehensive program. Our Care Managers coordinate and manage care for children with chronic illnesses including mental illness, substance abuse, asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity, etc...

We support these individuals by:

  • connecting youth and their families to needed services and supports in the community including, but not limited to, benefits, medical, housing, financial, educational, etc...,
  • focusing on the family’s strengths, abilities and supports needed to improve their overall quality of life, and
  • working collaboratively with all supports to ensure effective, person-driven services of the highest quality

Who Can Benefit?

Our Children’s Health Home Program is for children and youth who may:

  • have complex medical needs,
  • often visit the Emergency Room or hospital,
  • have behavior issues that impact their daily routine, for example, being suspended from school ,
  • miss school due to illness, or school anxiety,
  • have a recent psychiatric admission,
  • have a parent or caregiver who feels stressed or overwhelmed, and/or
  • have no support, or have difficulty connecting to needed social and community services and providers.

Who Is Eligible?

Who is Eligible?

  • The child or youth must be under the age of 21; and
  • is currently Medicaid-covered; and
  • has a chronic health, medical, and/or mental health condition (e.g., ADHD, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Asthma, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Anemia, PTSD, Learning Disorders, Conduct Disorder (CD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or obesity), or
  • has HIV/AIDS, or
  • has experienced trauma, and
  • must be a resident of Monroe County or the Finger Lakes region.