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NYS Kinship Navigator

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A kinship caregiver is a grandparent, relative or family friend who is a full time caregiver of a child who is not biologically their own.

The Kinship Navigator is a statewide program operated by Catholic Charities Family and Community Services and specially designed to provide an information and referral network for kinship caregivers across all of New York State.

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(585) 456-1676

What the Program Offers

Since 2006, Kinship Navigator has provided leadership for a broad-based coordinated effort to provide comprehensive services that address the multiple needs of kinship caregivers and their families. NYS Kinship Navigator, along with local kinship programs, are part of the NYS Office of Children and Families Services' efforts to support grandparents and other relatives who are caring for children not in foster care.

NYS Kinship Navigator is an information, referral and educational resource for kinship caregivers (grandparents and other relatives raising children.) The Navigator provides information via phone ((877) 454-6463), email ( and website ( about kinship services, laws, rights, and financial assistance. Our information and resources contain an exhaustive survey of kinship programs in New York State, specialized kinship resources, and over 50 cited legal fact sheets, including a Guide to Kinship Law in New York State, and guides to financial assistance, as well as events, publications, and kinship in the news.

Eligibility criteria

The helpline is available for anyone raising a child who is not biologically their own, as well as service providers who work with this population.

Intake Process

Kinship Specialists complete an informational and demographic intake with callers on the helpline.

Program Cost

Free of charge.