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Permanent Supportive Housing

Stabilizing clients' lives and breaking the cycle of homelessness

Our shelter program consists of Emergency Shelters and Permanent Supportive Housing programs. Family and Community Services serves Monroe County residents, both individuals and families, who are homeless.

What the Program Offers

Lafayette Housing began in 2007 and provides 13 safe, affordable apartments along with case management for families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. In 2010, Lafayette Housing expanded, adding 13 additional apartments for families meeting the same criteria. Residents receive the following services:

  • A safe, affordable apartment for individuals and families
  • Case management services that include intake/assessment and service planning, information/referral and follow-up
  • Alcohol/substance abuse and mental health referral
  • On-site drug and alcohol education, literacy training, employability assessments, and other services as needed

Eligibility criteria

Eligibility requirements for Lafayette Housing are:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must be homeless – according to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition
  • Must have some form of income (employment income, SSI/SSDI, public assistance, etc.)
  • Must have a diagnosable disability (according to the HUD definition):
    • Mental Illness
    • Substance Abuse
    • Developmental
    • Physical/Medical
    • HIV/AIDS
  • Must be willing to abide by program rules

Intake Process

For Permanent Supportive Housing, a referral must be made to the Program Coordinator and an application must be completed. Once reviewed, the Program Coordinator will contact the prospective client to set up a face to face interview. After completion of the interview, and proof of disability and homelessness is provided, the client will be contacted within two business days to notify them of acceptance into the program.

Once accepted into the program, the client will meet with the Program Coordinator to complete an intake, as well as to sign a program contract.

Program Cost

A portion no greater than 30% of the client's income will be charged for rent.