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Self-Directed Services

Our Self-Directed Services for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Self-direction means that our clients, or their representatives, choose the support and services that they feel work best for them. They take direct responsibility for managing the services they receive with the assistance from organizations like Family and Community Services.


Self-Directed Services begin with a person-centered plan, including a self-directed budget that will be used to pay for the staff and support they require at home and in the community. These services can include: one-to-one staff, respite, employment services, education and training, therapies, transportation, housing subsidies, and other supports.

Fiscal Intermediary (FI)

Fiscal Intermediary staff at Family and Community Services work with the individual who self-directs his/her services. Our staff will assist individuals with hiring those who will provide the various individualized services within an approved budget. Catholic Charities Family and Community Services serves as the employer of record and will assist with billing and payment of approved goods and services, fiscal accounting and reporting. Our staff monitors self-directed budgets and assist with co-managing the individual’s self-hired staff.


Brokers assist individuals in developing their self-directed plan and budget. Brokers work with individuals, their circle of support, Medicaid Service Coordinators and Fiscal Intermediary agencies to ensure individuals are living the life they want and are choosing the supports and services that are right for them.

We offer two kinds of broker services: a startup broker and a support broker. A startup broker helps families to create a customized budget and plan to meet the individual’s needs. They will also manage the Medicaid money that is associated with an individual’s plan for services.

A support broker helps the individual carry out the plan. Often our start-up brokers and support brokers can be the same staff person.