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Sexual Abuse Crisis Intervention Program

Charter Member of Bivona Child Advocacy Center partnership

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The Sexual Abuse Crisis Intervention Program is an intensive, 10 to 12 week home based counseling program for families where a child up to age 18 has disclosed sex abuse, or is showing sexualized behavior.

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What the Program Offers

Intensive, home-based services are provided over a 10 to 12 week period to:

  • assess the physical and emotional safety of the child(ren),
  • provide evidence based treatment using Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,
  • develop/encourage a protective relationship between the non-offending parent and child victim,
  • offer emotional support and clinical interventions to siblings of the child victim,
  • provide a complete psychosocial assessment of the family with treatment recommendations, and
  • refer the families to any identified ongoing services at case closing.

Catholic Charities Family and Community Services is a charter member of Bivona Child Advocacy Center partnership.

Eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible for services, there must be an identified child at risk of foster care and/or abuse and neglect.

Intake Process

To make a referral to the program, please call the Monroe County Department of Human Services at (585) 753-5821.

Program Cost

There is no cost to eligible families. The program is voluntary and families do not have to accept the service.